Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just a small update.

Went out filming again for most of the weekend...came back with a couple things. After the Thanksgiving break I should have enough stuff to finish up a longer promo for the video. Keep checking back in for more info on the video here.
In This Clip: OJ isnt having a full part in the video, but expect to see a few tricks from him in there when its finished. Here's a nose manual he filmed warming up a few weeks ago downtown.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Went skating this weekend a lot, but forgot about making a video until the last few minutes of daylight on Sunday...and even then, I skated. Props to Jesse for filming when I wanna skate. I warmed up to try to get something on film but I never make it past the switch 180. John and Danny went to war though and both had something on film when we were done at the end of the day.
In This Clip: Me skating, Jesse with the filming.